Missions & Outreach

Building family, and changing the world!

Our Mission Statement declares our "commitment to community," and these are not merely words we speak.  We work hard to serve, love, and reach out to our neighbors, to teach them of God's love and Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Learn about other missions

Kentucky Prayer Focus

Kentucky Prayer Focus

In 1999, pastors from around Kentucky were meeting together for prayer on a regular basis.

Project 58:10 | Feeding Children in Need

Project 58:10 | Feeding Children in Need

Project 58:10 is a local ministry dedicated to meeting the nutrition needs of children that receive reduced or free lunch in the local schools.

Help The Homeless

Help The Homeless

"Help The Homeless" is a non-profit organization that has been working tirelessly to improve the lives of the homeless population in our city. With a core focus on providing nutritious meals and essential support, they have become a beacon of hope for those struggling with homelessness.